For recruiters who value direct connections
Connect directly with candidates using verified contact info
Reach candidates directly with verified email addresses and personal phone numbers, and organize your hiring process with ease.
Trusted by top recruiters

Supercharge your candidate searches

Access to our


Profile Database
Find, engage and successfully close hard-to-hire talent with a massive database of 700+ million verified US and Canada candidate profiles.
Personal Contact Information
  • Phone Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Social Profiles
Connect more effectively with email addresses, phone numbers, and social media profiles.
We’ll start your search for you
Send us your job description, and our sourcing team will build the candidate search for you.
Start Building My Search
Access to our


Profile Database
Find, engage and successfully close hard-to-hire talent with a massive database of 700+ million verified US and Canada candidate profiles.
Personal Contact Information
  • Phone Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Social Profiles
Connect more effectively with email addresses, phone numbers, and social media profiles.
We’ll start your search for you
Send us your job description, and our sourcing team will build the candidate search for you.
Build My Search
Features Built for Better Recruiting
Chrome Extension for LinkedIn, Facebook, X, GitHub, etc.
Quickly access verified personal email addresses, phone numbers, and social links directly on candidate profiles. No more guesswork—connect with candidates where it matters.
Stay on top of every stage of your hiring process
Talent Boards to organize your hiring pipeline
Visualize your hiring pipeline with customizable drag-and-drop boards. Keep track of every candidate from sourcing to hire in one seamless workflow.
What our customers
are saying
Chatterworks has been a game changer for SquarePeg. We find more quality data at a more reasonable price, and we continue to expand our partnership and increase our spend with them. We evaluated almost every competitor out there and made the clear decision to integrate with Chatterworks as our main provider of crucial people data. The future of recruiting is in passive sourcing, and Chatterworks has helped SquarePeg 10x our passive sourcing capabilities.
Chatterworks has been instrumental for Mentra. Their detailed and accurate data ensures that we connect with the right candidates, especially neurodivergent people who haven’t found success on traditional platforms. After evaluating multiple options, choosing Chatterworks was a clear decision. Their commitment to innovation and precision reinforces Mentra’s vision, propelling our mission to champion neurodiverse talent. By leveraging Chatterworks, we’ve been able to bridge the gap between unmatched potential and suitable opportunities.
Ready to get started?
Transform the way you connect with top talent. Whether you’re sourcing candidates, managing pipelines, or building your team, Chatterworks gives you the tools to succeed.